Computers Designed for School
The Open Source Education Foundation has installed and is supporting existing school computer labs. Drawing from our experience we are now in the process of designing computers specifically designed for use in schools.
The K12 Box
The K12 Box is a compact Plug and Play workstation computer for student computer labs. All K12 Boxes in a school can use a single networked hard disk drive. By using one hard drive for the systems significantly less time is spent on security, backup, and trouble shooting. At a K12 Labs ready school, adding a new system is simply a matter of plugging in the network and power.
| Please direct question and comments on the website to the webmaster all other inquiry's and comments can be made through our web based form or you can contact someone specific via our contact page | |  | Page Last Updated:
Thu Jul 25 01:35:25 MST 2002
|  | |
Finally! we have some pictures of the k12 box prototype version
B. You can check them out
here and
here. We are also
hoping to announce our next model very soon.